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Accreditation Service for McCauley

mccauley accreditation 08102023

On Sunday 8th October 2023 at 6.00 pm a Circuit Service was held at Sprotbrough (SMC), which was not only an opportunity for the Circuit to come together in worship but also to celebrate McCauley Key's admission and welcome to the office of Local Preacher.

We were warmly welcomed with a drink and the service came together led by our Superintendent Rev'd John Henry and Jack Key. McCauley gave accompaniment on the piano with Jack leading the singing.

Readings from Isaiah 6: 1-8 and Luke 5: 1-11. Rev'd Henry gave the address and focussed on the Circuit moving forward into the future. "A vision without a task makes a visionary, a task without a vision makes drudgery but a vision with a task makes a Missionary." We need to capture a vision of God and we will be true to the task to which we have been called and become God's Missionaries.

McCauley introduced the song No Longer Slaves and explained why this was so special to him and his journey and struggle living in a modern age. The song was sung with gusto and clearly enjoyed by all.

McCauley was then invited to the front where Barry Parker (former secretary of the LP&WL meeting) presented McCauley to Rev'd Henry to be admitted. Following a short ceremony, McCauley was admitted to the office and ministry of a Local Preacher in the Methodist Church. A Bible was presented to McCauley by Barry and the congregation promised to support McCauley in prayer, faithfully share in the worship he leads and receive through him the word of God.

Barry then read out the President's letter to McCauley. McCauley then said a few words thanking those who support him along his journey, about the struggles he overcomes to enable him to preach and to thank God and be grateful for the journey he is taking. He encouraged others wanting to explore preaching or wanting to get more involved in church to go ahead.

Prayers of intercession were led by Rev'd Tom Read, followed by another rousing hymn – Hear the Call of the Kingdom.

The offering was in support of the Libya and Morocco Disaster fund and raised an amazing £270.

Once again, the Circuit Service was full of joy and singing with an uplifting message, amazing fellowship and showed us once again of the power of God within our Circuit.

If you missed the service or were unable to attend, please find it on our Facebook Group Doncaster Methodist Circuit or the You Tube channel

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