R.E. Team Blog 6
Hello and Happy New Year! I hope 2025 brings you all many blessings!
The Christmas Period was a busy a blessed time for R.E. Team Doncaster with extra workshops delivered to 4 of the schools we work with. The theme of the workshops were "Bubble-gum or Fluff?" using the analogy of a forgotten piece of bubble gum to sort out whatis the truth (bubble-gum) of Christmas vs what is the extra fluff that has been added on. The Children really enjoyed the workshops and the feedback from teachers has been really positive.
2025 has started with some great opportunities for Training and resource sharing, including a "Kite Mark Training" session with R.E. Hubs. R.E. Hubs is a great resource website that schools can use to find people willing to provide visits to places of Worshipand sessions in school. If you feel your church is able to provide visits for schools it would definitely be worth registering on the website to let your local schools know they can come and visit you. If you need any help with the process please let me know.
Another opportunity to connect with your local schools is through "Love our Schools fortnight" organised by Pray for Schools. There are some suggestions for both practical and prayerful ways you can bless your local school provided by prayer for schools.
Looking towards Easter I am really excited to be planning an "Easter Escape Room" as an interactive and interesting new way for students to Engage with the Easter Story. For this outreach i would need about 11 different Characters to deliver a paragraph relating
to different parts of the Easter Story. This can either be done as a video that can played in schools or as a live performance. If you would like to be involved it would be great to hear from you.
Finally, January 30th marks the beginning of "National Storytelling week" with this in mind I'd like to take the opportunity to thank all of the Open the Book Story Tellers we have in our Circuit. Open the Book has been working for the last 25 years to bringthe bible to life for children in schools. A Huge thank you to everyone who has contributed to that mission over the last 25 years.
God Bless you all
01302 850370
Circuit Office
Alder Grove Methodist Church
Alder Grove