Safer Recruitment
This applies both to people being employed by the Church or Circuit or any church Volunteer roles for example – Church Steward, Pastoral Visitor etc.
The reason for Safer Recruitment is to ensure the people we employ or those who volunteer are safe to be working with the most vulnerable in our churches and ensure they are protected. It is also to ensure the people we employ or who volunteer feel safe and supported in their role with in the Church.
This page will be updated – as it is new – and we hope to provide you with information and template documents to try to make Safer Recruitment an easier process. If you have any questions or concerns when looking for your church roles, please get in touch – contact details on the Safeguarding Info page.
Safer Recruitment Policy, Procedures and Guidance January 2024 – Click the link:-
01302 850370
Circuit Office
Alder Grove Methodist Church
Alder Grove