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RE Team Blog 4 – June 2024

re team 10th anniversary mapre team 10th anniversary poster

Happy June everyone! For those on the Gregorian calendar it's half way through the year but for those of us on the Academic calendar we're on the last stretch- closing in on the end of the year! June and July are always very busy for schools with Exams, Residentials, end of year performances and leavers assemblies! It's a joyous time of Celebration! So it is very fitting that June also seems to be a month of celebration for those involved with Schools work in Doncaster.

On Sunday 2nd June we celebrated 10 years of R.E. team Doncaster. I won't go into the details as Julia has already done a fantastic write up that can be found on the Circuit website, but i would like to say a huge and heartfelt thanks to all who were involved in the planning and delivery of the celebration and all those who attended and celebrated with the Team! It really was a fantastic afternoon of fellowship which was a fitting marker for 10 years of sharing Jesus' love in schools in Doncaster.

Tuesday 4th June saw us celebrating again! This time myself and a couple of the Open the Book teams joined up with Doncaster Schools Workers trust for a lovely lunch to celebrate the 25th Year of Open the Book! Again this was a wonderful afternoon of sharing with other Open the Book teams discussing highlights and challenges.

And on Sunday 9th June we'll be celebrating all those involved in Children's and Youth Work across the Sheffield Methodist district!

What a busy start to the month of June! It's incredible to see these projects that were set up to share Gods love enduring, just as Gods love Endures.

It can't all be party and celebrations though. R.E. team Doncaster continues with Open the Book assemblies, Godly Play sessions and R.E. Lessons. The last ones for this School year. Thank you to all those volunteers who have worked so tirelessly over the year to deliver them!

This month also see's me delivering the Year 6 transition sessions. I truly love delivering these sessions! For many of the Children in year 6, R.E. team has been a staple of their primary school life and it is a blessing to be able to share this next stage of their journey with them and send them off to secondary school with confidence. Please pray for the 4 schools who are receiving transition sessions this time.

During the transition sessions I share with the young people the story of Jesus calming the storm on the lake, relating to the storm of emotions they may be feeling around transitioning to secondary school and how it's important to trust in those that are there to help- teachers, parents and of course Jesus. I hope that if there are storms in your life at the moment you can find the strength to trust in the one who calms all storms!

Until next month- God Bless!

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