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RE Team 10th Anniversary Service


On Sunday 2nd June 2024, the Doncaster Methodist Circuit RE Team celebrated it's 10th Anniversary. Started by the now Rev Joy Ventom, the RE Team's mission is to ensure every child in Doncaster schools has the opportunity encounter the love of God.

The RE Team is led by Aimee Roddam who has worked hard over the last 7 years to bring the message of Jesus to children in primary schools across Doncaster. Aimee works with a number of volunteers and her work involves projects including Open the Book, Godly Play, RE school assemblies and facilitating children to visit our churches at certain festivals of the church year and more.

Aimee gave us a brief insight into her working life with a wonderful video showing the RE Team at work in schools. The music Aimee chose for the service was what she called her "seeds of Faith", songs she had sung in her childhood in Sunday School and Girls Brigade. The songs that fed her interest in becoming a Christian and to become the leader of the RE Team. Songs including 'I will make you Fishers of Men' and 'My God is so Big' brought back memories of times gone by.

The address was given by our Superintendent Minister Rev John Henry, who thanked Aimee and her team for all the excellent work they accomplished in the Schools in the Circuit. Rev'd John's message was to Care – show concern. Dare – it takes courage to witness. Share – share yourself. Prayer – don't discount the effectiveness of prayer in the preparation of people's hearts for the Good News.

Following the service, everyone was invited to afternoon tea in the hall, a time of fellowship and laughter as everyone tucked into sandwiches and cake!

Thanks to Aimee for all that she does and blessings and prayers for her continued work with children across the Circuit and bringing God's love to them.

Don't forget to check out Aimee's Blog on the Doncaster Methodist Circuit Website or Facebook to see what she's been up to!

You can now view the recorded service on YouTube.

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