On the evening of 30th August 2023, the Doncaster Methodist Circuit welcomed our new Superintendent Minister – Rev'd John Henry and his family to the Doncaster Circuit. Tickhill Methodist Church hosted the service at which we were all made very welcome. The church was full to capacity. The service was opened by Rev'd Tom Read with readings and prayers from members of both Tickhill Methodist Church and Alder Grove Methodist Church. President of Conference Rev'd Gill Newton gave the Address and formerly welcomed Rev'd Henry and his family, reminiscing that she and Rev'd Henry studied together at the beginning of their journeys into the ministry back in the 1990's.
Ecumenical Church leaders – Venerable Javaid Iqbal Archdeacon of Doncaster, Rev Canon Paul Richardson, Rev Derek Pamment from Doncaster and Tickhill and the Mayor of Tickhill Mr Peter Walker also welcomed Rev'd Henry to the Christian community.
The singing was tremendous and I'm sure the residents of Tickhill will have heard us as we raised the roof! The service came to a close led by Rev'd Julie Coates Assistant Chair of District with the offering in support of the ME Society.
At the conclusion of the service Rev'd Henry's daughter Joanne gave us a very moving picture of John Henry the man and father. Not dry eye to be seen.
After the service, the members of Tickhill Methodist Churches laid on a wonderful tea and it was an opportunity to meet Rev'd Henry and Wendy and their daughter Joanne, along with friends who had travelled from the North in support. Also, it was an opportunity to meet with friends from across the Circuit.
All in all, it was a moving and fitting welcome to Rev'd John Henry.
01302 850370
Circuit Office
Alder Grove Methodist Church
Alder Grove