Doncaster Methodist Circuit Logo Link
Methodist  Circuit

"Our church family extends a warm welcome to all who wish to visit our Church and share in our church services, other events, meetings or activities."

Please see our Website for more information -

Sunday services take place each week at 10:30am or 4.00 pm -check the Worship Plan.

Weekly Activities:-

Table Tennis - Monday 3-5pm in the Schoolroom. This is a mixture of church members and people from the local area who meet for exercise and fellowship.

Ladies Fellowship - 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each Month 2.30 -4pm in the Lounge. This is an ecumenical group who start their meeting with a time of devotion, followed by a talk from a guest speaker, ending with refreshments.

Wednesday Fellowship - 7.30pm in the Lounge.
This is an ecumenical group who meet for Bible study, discussion and ends with a chat over a cup of tea.

Pop in Centre- Wednesday 12 noon until 3pm now under Doncaster Live at Home scheme. Senior members of the community and adjacent villages are provided with a meal pre booked and paid for, followed by activities.
Here, an enthusiastic group play Curling, in the Schoolroom, while others enjoy a chat or play table games in the Church Lounge.

Craft & Chat- alternate Thursdays in the Month 2-4pm in the Lounge. This is an ecumenical group who meet to work on their own craft or join in making items for a local project. There is a half-time break for tea and biscuit.

Food for the homeless
Food for the homeless people of Doncaster is provided via church funds.

Each Monday afternoon sandwiches and drink are produced by volunteers in the Church Kitchen. The packages are then taken for distribution to the homeless people near Christ Church Doncaster.

Useful Information:-

Rooms available to hire – please see the Tickhill Methodist Church Website for more information.

Parking -We have our own front & rear car park and some street parking may be available.

Public transport Stagecoach route 22 Doncaster to Worksop via Tickhill.

Quick Links

Charity Number: 1134251

Get In Touch
01302 850370

Circuit Office
Alder Grove Methodist Church
Alder Grove

Circuit Map

© 2025 – Doncaster Methodist Circuit